
LEnfant Plaza Hotel

Conference and Meeting room capacities Layout Examples Layout Examples

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec. H L W A
Ballroom Foyer - - - - - - - 3 52.4 5.2 271.6
La Salle 40 28 20 - 40 20 50 2.7 9.8 5.2 50.5
Montcalm 40 24 20 - 40 20 50 2.7 7.6 5.5 41.8
Marquette 40 30 24 - 40 20 40 2.7 10.1 4.6 46
Lafayette 75 45 30 - 60 24 75 2.7 9.8 7.9 77.3
Club Room 60 40 25 - 60 24 80 2.7 9.1 7.6 69.7
Caucus 80 50 30 - 70 30 90 3 12.2 6.1 74.3
Ballroom A 140 75 40 - 100 40 150 4 8.2 15.5 127.9
Ballroom B 140 75 40 - 100 40 150 4 7.6 15.5 118.4
Ballroom C 140 75 40 - 100 40 150 4 7.6 15.5 118.4
Ballroom D 140 75 40 - 100 40 150 4 8.2 15.5 127.9
Quorum 120 70 34 - 100 34 100 3 16.8 6.4 107.3
Renoir 100 60 34 - 100 34 100 2.7 15.8 6.1 96.6
Solarium 200 100 40 - 180 45 250 4.3 33.2 5.5 182.3
1/2 Ballroom 270 160 70 - 210 70 350 4 15.8 15.5 246.4
3/4 Ballroom 420 225 - - 320 - 600 4 23.5 15.5 369.5
Monet Ballroom 360 200 - - 360 - 400 2.7 32.3 12.2 393.9
Suite can be divided into smaller rooms 
Grand Ballroom 600 320 - - 460 - 800 4 32 15.5 497.5
Key: H = Height / L = Length / W = Width / A = Area